Sunday, April 26, 2015

Independent Component 2

A. Include this statement: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours and 30 Minutes of work.”
B. My mentor Flor Martinez who works for Catholic Charities and the County of San Bernard
C. Hours have been Updated
D. I’ve done about 30 Hours and I completed the outside one therapy sessions. Learning about different clients come in different ages and different situations. I learned how to react to it. Another I have completed was a mini experiment with my mentor. This was to understand more of the biopsychosocial model. Learning that the social aspect of clients life is very important.


I know it just shows a High School, but this is the High School were I conducted my mini experiment. This is Rancho Cucamonga High School. This shows my independent component because this is where I spent most of my time at and not only that, but this is where I finally understood the whole importance of social environment. My mentor helped with with this. This High School discourage pictures, so this was one I sneaked in. This school was strict but I was able in the end to complete my mini experiment there


The independent component helped greatly into answer my essential question because it was based of the biopsychosocial model and shows how different ages deal with stress. This gave me a great understanding how social environment is so vital to a client. A client needs a good social environment because if their no support they will cling to other bad things. Like gangs, drugs, alcohol, or other bad activities to sustain them. The experiment showed over half the people in a normal high school don't get that support at home and try to stand out in school or go to bodily harm. So this actually showed me as learner to Pscyology that the social aspect of a client's life is so important.

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